
Using HTTPS to query

Most queries sent to our XML API will use HTTPS. HTTPS querying requires either a member account or that you supply your email address in the query. Use a DOI-to-metadata query when you know the DOI and want to find its associated metadata.

HTTPS query examples

DOI-to-metadata query example{}&id=10.1577/H02-043

DOI-to-metadata query requesting UNIXSD results{}&format=unixsd**&id=10.1577/H02-043

DOI-to-metadata queries may also be supplied using this format{}&doi=10.1577/H02-043

XML query{}&format=unixref&qdata=<?xml version="1.0"?><query_batch version="2.0"...


  • usr is your email address
  • format is the desired results format
  • qdata is the query data (XML is the recommended format)
  • id is a Crossref DOI

XML querying

An XML query must contain complete and valid query XML. Multiple queries may be included in a single XML file, but the <query> element is repeatable. For best results, do not exceed 5 queries per HTTPS XML query request.

Multiple queries in a single request<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<query_batch xmlns:xsi="" version="2.0" xmlns=""  xsi:schemaLocation=""><head><email_address></email_address><doi_batch_id>ABC_123_fff</doi_batch_id> </head> <body> <query key="query1" enable-multiple-hits="true" forward-match="false"><issn match="optional">15360075</issn><journal_title match="exact">American Journal of Bioethics</journal_title><author match="fuzzy" search-all-authors="false">Agich</author><volume match="fuzzy">1</volume><issue>1</issue><first_page>50</first_page><year>2001</year><article_title>The Salience of Narrative for Bioethics</article_title></query><query key="query2" enable-multiple-hits="true"><unstructured_citation>Hungate, B. A., &amp; Hampton, H. M. (2012). Ecosystem services: Valuing ecosystems for climate. Nature Climate Change, 2(3), 151-152.</unstructured_citation></query></body></query_batch>

HTTPS XML query example<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<query_batch xmlns:xsi="" version="2.0" xmlns=""  xsi:schemaLocation=""><head><email_address></email_address><doi_batch_id>ABC_123_fff</doi_batch_id> </head> <body> <query key="1178517" enable-multiple-hits="false" forward-match="false"><issn match="optional">15360075</issn><journal_title match="exact">American Journal of Bioethics</journal_title><author match="fuzzy" search-all-authors="false">Agich</author><volume match="fuzzy">1</volume><issue>1</issue><first_page>50</first_page><year>2001</year><article_title>The Salience of Narrative for Bioethics</article_title></query></body></query_batch>

HTTPS XML query with an unstructured (formatted) citation

Learn more about querying with an unstructured (formatted) citation<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><query_batch xmlns:xsi="" version="2.0" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><head><email_address></email_address><doi_batch_id>01032012</doi_batch_id></head><body><query key="q1" enable-multiple-hits="true"><unstructured_citation>Hungate, B. A., &amp; Hampton, H. M. (2012). Ecosystem services: Valuing ecosystems for climate. Nature Climate Change, 2(3), 151-152.</unstructured_citation></query></body></query_batch>

HTTPS XML query with URL encoding

Note that some characters must be URL-encoded:

CharacterNameURL code
/Slash, virgule, separatrix, or solidus%2F
?Question mark%3F
@At sign, arobase%40
=Equals sign%3D
lfline feed%0A

Page owner: Patrick Polischuk   |   Last updated 2020-April-08